Exclusive Menopause Accreditation | Menopause Hub Academy
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Workplace Accreditation

Menopause Hub Academy offers a world-class Workplace Excellence Accreditation programme that helps your business to:

  • Retain some of your best staff

  • Increase productivity & revenue

  • Enhance employer branding/value proposition

  • Improve gender equality & employee wellbeing

  • Minimise legislative risk

It takes 4-6 weeks to become accredited and we’ll do the heavy lifting to guide you through the process.




MWE accreditation levels

The Menopause Workplace Excellence Accreditation is available in three levels, reflecting your organisation’s progress and commitment to supporting menopausal employees.

Gold Level: Highest recognition for exemplary support, education, and menopause-inclusive workplace practices.

Silver Level: Recognition for organisations with established support and policies for menopause in the workplace.

Bronze Level: Entry-level recognition for organisations beginning their journey towards menopause inclusivity.

Once you have submitted your self-assessment form, plus supporting evidence you will have a follow up meeting with our Assessors. And for those larger employers, there will also be a site visit by our Assessor. Your application will be assessed against our criteria. See below. The allocation of accreditation level, Gold, Silver or Bronze, will be determined by how well you meet the criteria outlined in our application form.

the benefits

Enhanced Employee Wellbeing icon

Enhanced Employee Wellbeing

Acknowledging and addressing menopause fosters a supportive workplace, boosting morale and engagement while reducing absenteeism.

talent Retention and Attraction icon

talent Retention and Attraction

A menopause-friendly environment signals commitment to inclusivity, retaining experienced staff and attracting top talent at all career stages.

Increased productivity icon

Increased productivity

Supporting employees through symptoms enhances productivity. Flexible arrangements and resources aid symptom management, ensuring sustained efficiency.

Positive Organizational Image icon

Positive Organizational Image

Accreditation showcases dedication to women's health, enhancing reputation and resonating positively with stakeholders and the community.

Legal Risk Reduction icon

Legal Risk Reduction

Accreditation mitigates legal risks associated with age, gender, and disability discrimination, safeguarding against potential litigation.


how it works.

The accreditation programme operates in three stages: first, register and commit to becoming menopause inclusive by signing up to the 'Menopause Workplace Pledge'; second, submit your application for assessment once you meet the criteria; third, upon approval, receive your Menopause Workplace Excellence Accreditation.



how to commit to menopause workplace excellence

Register with Menopause Hub Academy and make a commitment to menopause workplace excellence. We will schedule a consultation call to guide you through the process. We provide resources and toolkits to help you become menopause inclusive, including:

    • Our suite of CPD-accredited online education programmes
    • Employee guide to menopause
    • Managers toolkit
    • Menopause policy template
    • Regular newsletters
    • Menopause Hub Academy certificate and Menopause Workplace Excellence logo for display on your website while you undergo the accreditation process


achieve accreditation

Below are the stages involved in our accreditation programme:

    1. Self-Assessment: Evaluate policies and practices using our six-point plan. When ready, submit your application for assessment.
    2. Provide Evidence: Offer proof of commitment through written policies, staff feedback, training participation, and more.
    3. Desk-Based Assessment: Our team reviews your application and supporting documents thoroughly.
    4. Pre-Assessment Meeting: Meet with our accreditation team to validate your submission.


gain accreditation & certification

Upon approval you will receive a two-year Menopause Workplace Excellence Accreditation. You can display your certificate and digital badge on your website. You will then be listed on The Menopause Hub Academy's register of committed companies. Next, you will receive a media pack and promotional support. You will also be able to access exclusive webinars with the opportunity for engagement with the Menopause Workplace Excellence community. Finally, you can participate in the annual Menopause Workplace Excellence Awards.

lead the change, get accredited

Three professional women collaborating on a project using a laptop in a modern office

frequently asked questions

For any further questions, please get in touch.


 what people say


These companies demonstrate a commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for employees experiencing peri/menopause, going above and beyond in implementing effective policies and practices. This prestigious mark of excellence highlights their dedication to creating workplaces that prioritise employee well-being, respect, and empowerment during this important life transition.



become menopause inclusive today.